Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playgroup - TEA PARTY

We had lots of fun today at our Tea Party...please see slideshow to share our joy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feb Playgroup - Balls

Join us in our next event (Theme: CARS) on Sat Mar 28th, 5 to 6:30pm at WBC Church.
For more info, contact Sharon at

Dineout SIG - Figmint


The second Dineout experience was in Figmint Restaurant and Lounge located in Vancouver (Cambie & W. 12th Avenue).  Our gang of food critics gave this restaurant the following review:

(Maximum Score of 5 in each category, average score from 10 ppl:)

Food  3.8
Ambiance 3.6
Service 3.35
Value 3.54
Most Popular Dish: Onion Soup

Additional Comments:
-Salad (Leaves) is great.  Loved the goat cheese, Tuna a little dry outside, veggie on the side is great
-Food came out too slow
-Too slow
-Service was generally good except when our waiter got too busy with another table
-Dishes tend to be strongly flavoured and the dark meat courses are good.
-Food is good
-Restaurant too big yet too few people
-Very very good food

The next Dineout Event will be held on Sat Mar 21st at Bistrot Bistro. If you are interested to join this group, feel free to contact Felix Loo at .

Friday, February 6, 2009

Playgroup SIG - 2009

Playgroup SIG is open to parents with children from ages 0 - 3 years old.  This group gathers every 4th Saturday of the month from 5 to 6:30 pm in the main hall at WBC (8506 Ash St. Vancouver).  The children program is about 45 mins long with structured activities such as Songs & Music Time, Parent-Child Play Session (led by Professional Family Counselor), Theme Play of the month and many more fun activities. Parents can also gather for support and exchange of tips, ideas and resources.

Below are the *Theme Play for the upcoming season:

Feb 28 - Balls
Mar 28 - Cars
Apr 25 - Tea Party
May 23 - Blocks
Jun 27 - Tents & Tunnels
Jul 25 - Books
Aug 22 - Puzzle

If you are interested in this Playgroup, please contact Sharon at

Cooking SIG - 2009

The Cooking Group had the first class with Gary at a very nice commercial cooking facility in Richmond. Look at those beautiful creations! 

Classes are scheduled to occur on the following dates:
Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16, Jun 20
Space is limited in this group so if you're interested, get in touch with coordinator Felix Loo at

For more pictures and details of the cooking class, please visit

Dineout SIG - 2009

Dineout SIG had the first dineout experience at Boneta restaurant, which has recently been receiving some good reviews on several magazines.

We asked everyone to play food critic for the night and here's a summary of everyone's thought on Boneta, Maximum Score of 5 in each category, average score from 12 ppl:

Food 3.79
Ambiance 3.75
Service 4.17
Value 3.04
Most Popular Dish: Crab Salad with Caviar

Additional Comments:
-location is not that good, too close to Chinatown, $5 valet is good, food is good; I have the crab salad, I enjoyed the dinner tonight.
-Good food with excellent service!  Valet service is almost a must in this neighbourhood.  Menu selection is very limited though, including the wine list.
-Sauce of duck confit enhance the duck flavour. The wine list/choice is great also white wine.  Overall: impressive.
-The food tastes really good.  But portion too small!!  And I don't like the location, just a personal preference.  Menu selection is too limited.
-Taste good and good portion size.
-We need a bigger table next time.
-Too squishy (but that's b/c we wanted to sit together), the food isn't that great in terms of portion and price, The 32oz prime rib was a bit rough/tough.

This group will continue to explore different local restaurants together, and have a great time while doing so! If you would like to join this SIG, please contact coordinator Felix Loo at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Badminton SIG - 2009

Badminton SIG has already played twice,
The group has a good mix of players at varying skill levels.

The remaining sessions will be held at yumo badminton center,
On the following Saturdays from 8-10pm:

Feb 21, 09
Mar 21, 09
Apr 18, 09
May 16, 09
Jun 20, 09

Fee is fixed at $5 each time, a free drink is provided!

Please email coordinator Tony Wai at if you wish to play.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The SIG Vision

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we embark on this exciting SIG project, it's important we all have a common Focus and understand the emphasis of SIG. To keep things simple, I would like to borrow Bill Hybels' (Sen. Pastor of WillowCreek) "Living in 3D" concept as he described in his book, "Just Walk Across the Room".

  1. Develop Friendship - Through activites we enjoy, we engage with people outside our usual warm, safe & comfortable Christian circles. We want to build new, genuine & authentic friendships.
  2. Discover Other's Stories - By sharing our own and listening to other's stories, we want to know each other better and deepen our understanding of each other's life journey.

  3. Discerning Next Steps - Not every spiritual conversation lead to conversion. We want to be sensitive in discerning the appropriate next step in one's journey of faith.

As christians, we believe one of our most important purpose on earth is to bring "peace" amongst people. May we truly be the salt and light on earth.

In Him,

Sharon & Don

Friday, October 24, 2008

SIG Survey Summary

Dear all brothers & sisters,

Thank you very much for completing the survey in the last two weeks.
We are very encouraged by the positive response and are in the process of designing potential groups for the first round.

Here is a quick overview of our survey summary:

Total Number of response= 38

Interests Groups Popularity: (the number preceding the group = number of people who expressed interests. Please note the number is not equivalent to actual group sign-ups)
  • 3 Alpha Course
  • 7 Arts & Craft
  • 5 Career Group
  • 21 Cooking Group
  • 6 Current Events Forum
  • 20 Dineout Group
  • 7 Finance/Investment Group
  • 13 Fitness Group
  • 12 Gaming Group
  • 13 Movie Group
  • 8 Nature Group
  • 5 Photography Group
  • 18 Sports Group (Badminton)
  • 6 Sports Group (Golf)
  • 9 Sports Group (Others)
  • 8 Theology Group
  • 14 Volunteering Group
  1. 45+ Potential targets identified in the survey
  2. Out of 38 response, 8 people are "very ready" to build relationships and 27 are "somewhat ready". On a scale of 4, our ministry rate 3.1 on outreach readiness.
  3. There are 3 people who can potentially be coordinators with 12 people available to assist group logistics as helpers.
  4. There are many creative ideas for additional SIGs which we can explore for future groups. Most popular suggestions are "Snowboarding" & "Board/Card Games" SIGs.
We will put up official sign-up sheets at church as soon as we are ready to progress to the next step.

Please keep this ministry in your prayers. All of us can pour ourselves out but only God can touch lives.

Friday, October 3, 2008

SIG Survey! We want to hear from you!

Welcome to the SIG Survey. Please Click the link below to take the survey:

Survey will close on October 17th, 2008.

Monday, December 24, 2007

New Year's Eve-Thanksgiving/Sharing/Praise & Prayer Night

Calling all members to join us in a night of praise and prayer at WBC on New Year's Eve!

Date: December 31st, 2007
Time: 7:30 - 9:30pm
Location: Westside Baptist Church, Main Hall

Please contact Don or Sharon for further details.

God Bless!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

SG Curriculum - (4) Chinese 中文材料


1 男人心

2 女人意


瑞安妮 Juanita Ryan

1 夥心靈妙丹,醫治生命哀與悲,注入神的愛與樂。
12 則點題故事,細味人生美善﹕黯淡中體會神創造的美麗﹔絕望中找到神的愛。


瑞安妮 Juanita Ryan


幸福快樂的秘訣 - 講論耶穌八福
著者: 沈志飛  出版社: 香港浸信會神學院

不再一樣 - 神在說話
著者: Henry Blackaby

第一週 神在說話
第二週 神透過聖靈說話
第三週 神透過聖經向我們說話
第四週 神透過禱告向我們說話
第五週 神透過境遇向我們說話
第六週 神透過教會向我們說話

See details:

著者: 陸艾達  出版社: 校園書房


壞鬼神學 3 (漫畫版) 聖經論、論聖經
原著: 楊牧谷 著者: 謝品然/林德崇 
信徒對聖經的理解和態度構成其聖經觀或聖經論,各人也因信仰群體文化及成長經驗的差異,而對聖經產生各特有的觀念和理解。 此書名為《聖經論、論聖經》正是討論信徒與聖經之間所處的微妙關係

壞鬼神學 4 (漫畫版) 歷史的上帝與歷史的信仰
原著: 楊牧谷 著者: 梁家麟/林德崇

壞鬼神學 5 (漫畫版) 女性角色:如此你信?
原著: 楊牧谷 著者: 李清詞/陷撰W 

著者: 呂國佑  出版社: 福音證主協會 系列: 成長節拍系列


Bye Bye 無知 - 現代神學熱潮DIY
著者: 林漢星  出版社: 福音證主協會

21世紀是各種潮流、學說不斷衝擊人的時代,基督徒也不能倖免。教內外的新現象和新問題都會困擾信徒,但也造就成長的契機。為了栽培信徒化衝擊為成長,本書針對各個現代教會潮流和現象(例如︰靈恩、成札﹛^,為個人、團契和小組度身而寫,深盼信徒讀過本書的12課,能向無知大聲說︰「Bye Bye!」。




系列 ︰
1 歡欣的盼望

2 星光導我行
3 聖潔度一生
4 復活我生命
5 忠勇的門徒
6 天國降人間
7 基督的教會
8 良善的僕人

信徒在世有兩個家, 一個是自己的家,另一個是教會﹔兩個家對信徒到非常重要,

《神的家﹕你、我、祂 》是一本研習課程,探討這個家的性質、目標及特性,並重申她與信徒有不可分割的關係。

天使家族 (DVD 劇集)



SG Curriculum - (3) Foundation for Christian Ministry


1. Going Public Your Faith *(S)
In every part of the world, people are looking for spiritual answers and resources as never before. However, you don't need to travel to some exotic foreign mission field to find hungry hearts. You spend hours every day in the most strategic place of impact in the world - your workplace! Going Public With Your Faith offers a proven model for evangelism that respects the unique relationships you have with your coworkers, clients, and customers. It shows how you can be authentic instead of artificial when sharing what you believe, build trust with even the most skeptical person, and cultivate caring connections with those who have not yet come to a saving faith in Christ.

2. Go Fish ** (S, S/G)
This new study by Andy Stanley will take the struggle out of sharing your faith. Go Fish offers a new perception of the word "evangelism" by showing how believers can make it natural, easy part of everyday life. Divided into a six-session study, participants will enjoy the DVD lessons and thought-provoking study guide that help change the way they view sharing their faith.
 We Were All Fish Once
 Why Fish?
 Fish Guts
 Fishing Buddies
 Muddy Water
 The One That Got Away

3. What is so amazing about Grace*
Grace is the church's great distinctive. It's the one thing the world cannot duplicate, and the one thing it craves above all else for only grace can bring hope and transformation to a jaded world.
In What's So Amazing About Grace?, award-winning author Philip Yancey explores grace at street level. What is grace? If grace is God's love for the undeserving, then what does it look like in action? If Christians are its sole dispensers, how are we doing at lavishing grace on a world that knows far more of cruelty and unforgiveness than it does of mercy? In his most personal and provocative book ever, Yancey offers compelling, true portraits of grace's life-changing power. He searches for its presence in his own life and in the church. He challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately wants to know What's So Amazing About Grace?

4. The Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians **(B)

Jesus' call to spread the good news is a big challenge---so we need some practical steps and tools to help us. Poole offers three easy-to-use suggestions that show you how to build relationships with seekers, share the gospel with them, and bring them to outreach events. Simple, achievable habits---that matter for eternity!

5. H2O - A Journey of Faith (E)
Water. Our world couldn’t exist without it. It covers our planet and fills our bodies. It keeps us alive. Jesus knew how important water was. Maybe that’s why he called himself the living water. He was making a claim and an offer too good to ignore. H2O is about water, the living water Jesus said he offered. If you’re thirsty, you owe it to yourself to consider what he said…and who he is.
H2O is a DVD-driven, ten-session experience designed to create a safe atmosphere where people are comfortable considering the person of Jesus Christ. Through high-definition video, H2O uses carfefully crafted storytelling to reach a media-savvy generation.

6. Becoming a Contagious Christian *** (S, S/G)
People matter to God. That foundational truth is why Bill Hybels planted a church where people can hear a clear, contemporary presentation of the gospel, relate to others who have decided to follow Jesus and respond to the life-changing good news of the gospel. In Becoming a Contagious Christian you will discover why we are called to be Contagious Christians, how authenticity, compassion and sacrifice help us relate to seekers and how to clearly share the gospel with those you love. This resource is designed for Sunday school, small group and individual study. Let Becoming a Contagious Christian revitalize your passion for evangelism and enable you to fulfill Christ's Great Commission!


1. Love Talk * (D)
This Women’s workbook will help you personalize the concepts you encounter in the Parrotts’ book Love Talk and put them to work in your relationship. Inside, you’ll find exercises, assessments, self-tests, tips, applications..all the tools and guidance you need to :
Identify your personal communication style
Understand how it interacts with that of your partner
Talk your way to a healthier, stronger relationship

Love Talk is like no other communication book you’ve ever read. The fruit of years of research by two foremost relationship experts (who also happen to be husband and wife), this book forges a new path to the heart of loving conversation. You’ll begin by identifying your security need and determining your personal communication style. Then you’ll put together everything you discover to learn how the two of you can speak each other’s language like never before.

This very day, you can begin an adventure in communication that will draw the two of you closer, and closer, and closer…consistently, in a way that crates the depth and connection you long for in your relationship.

Men’s workbook will be available at the end of year 2007.

2. Love and Respect ** (D)
A wife has one driving need – to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need – to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love and Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily and biblically.

3. Real Life Stuff for Couples Series

a) Real Life Stuff for Couples on Completing Demands - “Dancing the tango in an earthquake”
Between taking care of the kids, climbing the corporate ladder, and paying the bills, you know you would like to have a fulfilling marriage. It was supposed to just sort of happen, but everything else takes up so much time and energy! Why not take back some of that time to focus on your marriage?
Dancing the Tango in an Earthquake features relevant passages from the Message, literary and cultural insights, and conversation starters to provoke profound discussion. Together with your spouse or a couples’ small group, read excerpts about seven major marriage distractions and how you can prevent them from clouding your view of the ultimate prize: a marriage that works.

b) Real Life Stuff for Couples on Staying Married -
“Running a three-legged race across time”

In one word, describe your marriage. If you answered anything other than “perfect”, you need the honest truth from this new Bible discussion guide on staying married in a culture hostile to marriage.
The eight sessions of Running a Three-legged Race Across Time feature literary and cultural insights, conversation starters, and key passages from the best-selling Message Bible. Each chapter is an open, free-flowing discussion about a tricky issue many married couples encounter (and ignore at their own peril).
Running a Three-Legged Race Across Time avoids stale, glib answers and instead points you toward honest questions that every couple should be asking themselves. Read it together, read it on your own, but take a little time to think about your marriage, and how to stay married till death do you part.


1. Dethroning the Idol of Business **
There is no doubt that ministry has its rewards – we have the privilege of being used by God to impact lives for today and eternity. But ministry also comes with demands that necessitate personal care and nurture. Using four different symbols, John Ortberg communicates to the viewer specific skills to help those they minister alongside to develop their hearts and souls, as well as their own.

2. Healing is a Choice *** (C, S/G)
The power to heal – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – is in God’s hands. But the choice to be healed is yours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. You may have prayed for healing many times, for many years. Perhaps you have lived with your brokenness so long that you have become accustomed to it. Maybe you wonder just when God is going to take all the hurt away.

He can. But you also must choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin.

In Healing Is a Choice, author Stephen Arterburn outlines ten choices crucial to receiving healing. Embracing these choices means rejecting the lies we often tell ourselves. These are not hoops God requires you to jump through to earn your miracle; they form, instead, the journey He desires for you. He can, and will, walk with you. But you must put one foot in front of the other.


1. Lead Like Jesus ****(D)
Christians have more in Jesus than just a great spiritual leader: We have a practical and effective leadership model for all organizations, for all people, for all situations. Jesus is simply the greatest leadership model of all time, and He asks us to make a difference in the world we live in by being effective servant leaders. This Lead Like Jesus study is designed to be the beginning of a new exciting chapter in your group member’s personal journeys to become effective servant leaders. The study includes introductory session and eight weeks of group study sessions. We focus on four dimensions in our Lead Like Jesus encounters:
HEART (intention and motivation)
HEAD (belief and theories about leadership)
HANDS (leadership methods and behaviors)
HABITS (strategies to redirect our commitment to lead like Jesus everyday)

2. Courageous Leadership ****(B)

In Courageous Leadership Bill Hybels provides a wonderful mix of time-tested leadership principles, engaging examples from his ministry at Willow Creek and enough inspiring anecdotes to fill an entire sermon series. The principles that Hybels emphasizes will help you: lead your people into the presence of God, impact the ministers who are serving beside you and, most importantly, effectively lead yourself so that you can consistently provide trustworthy guidance for others. Surely, as Publisher's Weekly proclaimed, "this is a welcome edition to any pastor's library."

Please consult Anders before you use any curriculum for your small group.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

SG Curriculum - (2) Foundation for Christian Maturity


1. The Life You've Always Wanted **(D)
In The Life You've Always Wanted John Ortberg taught us how simple spiritual disciplines can help us move beyond superficial Christianity to a life of dedicated discipleship. Now, with the Life You've Always Wanted Participant's Guide, which can be used with or without the excellent Video/DVD Curriculum, he has provided a resource that will help us embark on the road of discipleship together. The Participant's Guide is filled with intriguing insights, provocative questions and practical applications that will challenge our communities to set superficial Christianity aside so that we can live the life of dedicated disciples.

2. NOOMA **(D)
For more information, please visit their website at

001 Rain
Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don’t even see it coming. We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere leaving us feeling desperate and helpless. That’s the way life is. Still, it makes us wonder how God can let these things happen to us. How God can just stand by and watch us suffer. Where is God when it really hurts? Maybe God is actually closer to us than we think. Maybe it’s when we’re in these situations, where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us of how much he really loves us.

002 Flame
I love those shoes. Really? The same way I love my wife? What’s up with the word “love”? It doesn’t have much meaning when we use it so loosely. Maybe we don’t really get it. Maybe we don’t understand what real love is. What it involves to really love somebody. What it means to give yourself to someone else. We mistake things like friendship, commitment, or lust for love, but God wired us a certain way to experience all that love was really meant to be. Not to hold us back or to make us miss out on the best that life has to offer. God created love, and wants us to feel it all in the way it’s meant to be felt.

003 Trees
We want to know why we are here. If our lives really matter. How our religion is relevant to this life. Today. We want to understand what significance this minute, hour, week, month, and year has to our lives. To our world. We need a God who cares about this life, in this world, right now. We want to understand why everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do matters. We don’t want to just sit back and wait for something to happen or someday to come. We want to know if all the choices we make now will shape our world and lives for eternity. Because we want our lives to have meaning today, and our lives today to have meaning forever.

004 Sunday
Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church or give money away? Because we’re supposed to or because we think God needs it? Do we honestly put on our best clothes for an hour once a week, stand and sit at all the right times, and sing all the appropriate songs for God’s sake, or because it’ll make us look better to the world around us? We’re tired of all the empty rituals and routines. And so is God. God hates it when we call ourselves Christians but ignore all the things he really cares about. He hates it when we go through hollow religious routines out of some feeling of duty or obligation. God doesn’t want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts.

005 Noise
Why is silence so hard to deal with? Why is it so much easier for us to live our lives with a lot of things going on all the time than to just be in silence? We’re constantly surrounded with “voices” that are influencing us on how to think, feel, and behave. Movies, music, TV, Internet, cell phones, and a never-ending barrage of advertising. There’s always something going on. Always noise in our lives. But maybe there’s a connection between the amount of noise in our lives and our inability to hear God. If God sometimes feels distant to us, maybe it’s not because he’s not talking to us, but simply because we aren’t really listening.

006 Kickball
We always think we know what’s missing from our lives in order to really make us happy, don’t we? If only I had that car, or that job, or if only I could lose those 15 lbs, then I’d be happy. Really? How often do we want something only to find out that it wasn’t that great after all? Sometimes we ask God for things and if he doesn’t deliver right away, we start questioning whether God really understands or even cares. Do we really trust God? Do we trust that God is good and sees a bigger picture than we ever could? It’s easy to want what’s right in front of us, but maybe God knows what’s better for us, and sometimes we just can’t see it.

007 Luggage
Maybe a friend turned their back on you. Maybe someone you loved betrayed you. We all have wounds and we end up carrying around these things that people have done to us for weeks, months, and sometimes even years. It isn’t always easy to forgive these people and after a while these hurts can get really heavy. So the only way to feel better seems to be somehow getting back at the people that hurt us, to get revenge. But does revenge ever truly satisfy? Maybe forgiving isn’t something you do for someone else to let them off the hook. Maybe forgiveness is about you. God didn’t create you to carry these wounds around. God created you to be free.

008 Dust
Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us? Believing that we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, and hope. People who try to do the right thing all of the time. Who act on the endless opportunities around us every day for good, beauty, and truth. It’s easy for us to sometimes get down on ourselves. To feel “not good enough” or feel like we don’t have what it takes. But maybe if we had more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we’d understand the faith that God has in all of us.

009 Bullhorn
God loves everyone, so a Christian should, too. In fact, Jesus said that the most important thing in life is to love God with everything we’ve got and love others the same way. But it’s not always easy to love everyone around us, is it? Sometimes we strongly disagree with other people’s political views, religious beliefs, behaviors, or something else, and it makes it hard to love them when we feel like we’re right and they’re very wrong. But Jesus doesn’t separate loving God and loving others. So maybe the best way for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it’s the only way.

010 Lump
A lot of us have done things in our lives that we’re ashamed of. Some are small things, and some of us have really big and devastating things. Some of us even have things that people close to us don’t know about. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don’t have to deal with it. Because we don’t know how to deal with it, do we? We’re afraid that if we try it’s just going to make everything worse. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we’ve done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn’t changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and there’s nothing we can do to change that.

011 Rhythm
What does it mean to have a relationship with God? What does it look like? For a lot of us it’s a hard thing to fully understand. If God is an infinite spirit with no shape or form, how can we possibly relate to that? And what about Jesus? He said he came to give everyone life in its fullest. He came to show us how to live. Maybe it’s through trusting Jesus and living the kind of life he taught us to live – a life of truth, love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice – that we have a relationship with God. Maybe the way we live every day, every single choice we make, determines how in tune with God we are.

012 Matthew
Suffering the loss of someone we love can be the most difficult thing in life to deal with. One moment we have them and the next they’re gone. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to feel? The truth is, there’s no certain way we’re “supposed” to feel. Whatever we’re feeling, it’s okay. It’s okay to feel shock, anger, denial or whatever we may feel. It’s okay. And if we don’t feel anything at all, that’s okay too. It’s okay to have no answers and no explanations. Because sometimes all the reasoning and comforting words in the world just isn’t what we need. What might help us however is to understand how Jesus dealt with this kind of loss.

013 Rich
There’s a popular bumper sticker that reads “God Bless America,” but hasn’t America already been blessed? It’s easy for us to fall into a mindset of viewing “our” world as “the” world, because it’s all we generally see. We’re constantly bombarded with images of the latest styles and models of everything, and it can easily leave us feeling like what we have isn’t enough because we see people that have even more than us. But how does what we have compare to what most people in the world have? Maybe what we have is enough; maybe it’s more than enough. Maybe God has blessed us with everything we have so we can bless and give to others.

014 Breathe
With everything that we’ve got going on every day, how many of us ever think about our breathing, about the meaning of breathing? Yet, for thousands of years, people have understood that our physical breath is a picture of a deeper spiritual reality. In the Bible, the word for “breath” is the same as the word for “spirit.” There’s an inherent dilemma at the core of what makes us human. We’ve all been created in the image of God and possess immense power and strength. And at the same time our lives are incredibly vulnerable and fragile. Maybe if we had more insight into the meaning of breathing, we would better understand how God created us as human beings.

015 You (Not Available at Church yet)
Some of the central claims of the Christian faith are the source of many discussions and heated debates. But are we always debating the right things? Maybe some of our discussions would change significantly if we had more insight into the actual circumstances that surrounded the first people of the Christian movement – if we had a better understanding of the things they did in the context of the world they lived in. Maybe some of the claims of the Christian faith that we typically perceive to be unique aren’t really that special at all. And at the same time maybe we don’t always put enough emphasis on the things that truly should matter in our lives.

3. Women Bible Study Series (W)

a) Becoming A Woman of… Series

i. Becoming a woman of Excellence
Society beckons us to succeed – to achieve excellence in our appearance, our earning power, our family life. God Himself also beckons us to be women of excellence. But what exactly is He asking?
If you’re hungry for God’s perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands, feed on the truths of God’s Word that you’ll discover in these pages. You will not only learn to “approve the things that are excellent” but also experience the joy of becoming God’s women of excellence.

ii. Becoming a woman of Freedom
The Christian life is supposed to be like a race – a race we run freely, unhindered by the burdens of this life. But often, the baggage we carry holds us back. It deprives us to our freedom in Christ and makes the race seem strenuous and futile.

No matter what your age, circumstance, or spiritual maturity, Cynthia Heald will help you identify and lay aside the burdens that can make you feel “stuck”, including past hurt and loss, poor self-image, approval-seeking, busyness, doubt & fear, and unhealthy influences.

iii. Becoming a woman of Prayer
So often we think of prayer as something we do to break through to God – to get His attention and to get Him to listen to us. But intimacy with God is His idea. He has taken the initiative, and prayer is His gift to us. It is an opportunity for us to respond to His invitation to intimacy by calling, crying, and singing to Him. Prayer is our response to the One who has called out to us and desires to be in a relationship with us.

iv. Becoming a woman of Purpose
All of us wonder, at one time or another, who we are and why we’re here. While society emphasizes wealth, success, and the pursuit of pleasure, the truth is that we are created by God in His image, and our fulfillment is found in pursuing His purposes for us.

Becoming a Women of Purpose will guide you to a better understanding of God’s intended purposes for Himself, for us as His people, and for you as His unique creation. As you grow toward genuine peace and fulfillment, you’ll learn the joy of loving God and others, waiting on Him with hope, trusting Him through suffering, serving Him with reverent fear, and fulfilling His purposes.

v. Becoming a woman of Faith
What does it mean to be a woman of faith? Is it having the right Bible verse in your back pocket or a religious quotation ready for any occasion? Cynthia Heald offers a richer perspective on the true meaning of a woman of faith. From facing challenging circumstances to being real before God, Becoming a Woman of Faith is a Bible study that helps women learn what it means to walk with faith in the real world and honor Christ with their lives. This newest book in the best-selling Bible study series for women offers quotations from classic Christian writers and key Scripture passages with questions for reflection and study, and Cynthia Heald’s warm and personable style.

vi. Becoming a woman of Grace
Becoming a Woman of Grace takes you on a transforming journey to the boundless reasches of God’s grace. In this study guide, Cynthia Heald explores the many ways God’s grace has already enriched your life and how you can know His grace more fully and then extend it to others.
Fulled with the elements that have endeared Cynthia Heald’s study guides to millions-key Scripture passages for study and reflection, provocative questions for discussion and response, quotations from classic Christian writers, and personal reflections from Cynthia’s life-Becoming a Woman of Grace is an invigorating study sure to encourage, challenge, and change you.
With gently wisdom, thorough commentary, and unique personal insight, Cynthia Heald presents the gift of grace in a way that will enrich the lives of women in Becoming a Woman of Grace.

vii. Becoming a woman who Loves
The Bible shows how Jesus loved sacrificially, unconditionally and passionately calling His disciples to love others in the same radical way. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34) Using key Scripture passages on love as a foundation, this study explores how love books and feels when it is mirrored in a godly women’s life.

viii. Becoming a woman who walks with God (Devotional Book)

b) Real Life Stuff for Women Series:

i. Real Life Stuff for Women on Faith - “Searching for God in a bottomless purse”

A woman's spiritual life can bring her deep comfort, abiding assurance, and wisdom for living. But what about those times when your worship feels dry, when prayers only bounce off the ceiling, and when God seems totally unreachable? How can your faith become real and vibrant in the midst of everyday life? If you are ready for a faith-lift, here is trustworthy guidance for you or your women's group. This stimulating new Bible study guide brings together literary and cultural insights, conversation starters, and key passages from The Message. By using it--even in the midst of the wilderness times, the doubts, the fears, and the questions--you'll find your faith growing stronger again.

ii. Real Life Stuff for Women on Stress - “Running Nowhere in every direction”

Discover what God has to say about the stress in your life—your schedule, expectations, limits, happiness, and much more. With literary and cultural insights, conversation starters, and key passages from The Message quoted in the text, you will find encouragement and insight to stop Running Nowhere In Every Direction. This NavPress discussion guide is designed for small groups, yet just as useful for personal study.

iii. Real Life Stuff for Women on Temptation -“Peeking into a box of chocolates”

In every woman's life there are all sorts of temptations: overeating, excess shopping, seeking others' approval, etc. Designed for small groups, yet just as useful for personal study, this guide from the Navigators will help you uncover the core issues behind the temptations and then deal with them. Excerpts from The Message and quotes from different authors are included with reflective "Think" questions, prayer suggestions, and practical discussion ideas to help you put your discoveries into action.

iv. Real Life Stuff for Women on Disappointment - “Waking up from the dream of a lifetime”

You once dreamed of a life of Prince Charmings and fairy-tale endings. But now that you've grown up and arrived at womanhood, those dreams seem so far out of reach. Your husband isn't quite the guy you thought you married, your kids face challenges you never dreamed of, you have to work a lot more than you expected just to make ends meet, your spiritual life is a joke, and even the bedroom wallpaper you saved up for just looks wrong. How in the world can you cope with constant disappointment at every level of life? If your life feels far off the mark, you can overcome the disappointment with this stimulating new discussion guide. It brings together literary and cultural insights, conversation starters, and key passages from The Message. And it will give you fresh, realistic hope and purpose for the days ahead.

c) 10 Smart Things Women Can Do to Build a Better Life (D)
Many of the women we want to reach with the transformational story of Jesus may not be active spiritual seekers. But most of them are looking for ways to improve their lives.
10 Smart Things is a 10-week life-management course for women with no previous church experience. It offers practical skills all women need to successfully navigate through life. While exploring these real-life topics, author and teacher Donna Carter gently brings to light the truth that it is only when we are in a transformational relationship with the God who created us that we can live life to the fullest.

4. Men Bible Study Series (M)

a) The Every Man Series
God’s man David prayed, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I might live in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I might live to fear your name”. (Psalm 86:11)
The Every Man Bible Studies are designed to help you experienced God’s answer to this simple but deeply personal prayer. Through this series the authors open the Scriptures to you in a whole new way, so that you can live a more confident, more positive, more godly life. These studies will help stir your thinking and solidify your convictions on topics that personally impact your life. As a result, you’ll grow to possess an undivided heart, loyal to God and His ways in every domain of living.

i. Being God’s man…in leading a family

More than ever, families are desperate for spiritual leadership. And that starts with you, the husband and father. Are you equipped and ready to assume the role and responsibility God has for you? Being God’s Man…in Leading a Family will help you accept your calling and experience God’s blessing as the spiritual leader to your wife and children.
In this study, you’ll discover the six keys to true spiritual leadership in the home:
· Deciding: Taking ownership of your own spiritual journey
· Demonstrating: Modeling a relationship with God
· Displaying: God’s love in your relationship with your wife
· Displaying: God’s love In your interaction with your children
· Daily spiritual leadership through fostering spiritual connections in the home
· Daily spiritual leadership through serving
Being God’s Man…in Leading a family could revolutionize not only your life, but also the lives of your wife and children - and impact generations to come.

ii. Being God’s man…by pursuing friendships
God’s Word is clear about the importance of godly friendships – and how God designs them to complete us spiritually. If you ever hope to win the battles you face in your spiritual journey, you must be connected to godly men.
The problem is that many men today act as if they don’t need friends – and they’re paying the price. Risking relationship is not easy for men, but it’s non-negotiable for God’s man. When you stand with others who share your spiritual goals, you achieve them faster. That’s God’s way.
Godly friendships create consistency, provide care and support, stimulate healthy confession, produce new connections, and make you complete in Christ. They produce positive changes in your character, convictions, conduct, and commitment to do life God’s way.
Learn how to build and benefit from friendships with godly men. It starts with Being God’s Man…by Pursuing Friendships.

iii. Being God’s man…as a satisfied single
You may be single by choice or circumstance. You may plan to marry and have a family, or you may sense a call to lifelong singleness. Even so, your situation is God’s will for you now. What will you learn from it? And how will you survive the temptations confronting you today?
You know firsthand that single men face unique spiritual and moral struggles. Character is the cornerstone of being God’s man as a single in today’s culture. To live a life committed to Christ, you must master the issues of sexual integrity, isolation, contentment, spiritual battle, and identity in Christ. Being God’s Man…as a Satisfied Single is designed to help you do just that. Now only will you gain practical information, you’ll become driven by a powerful, supernatural motivation – one that transcends feelings and helps you win the battle everyday.

iv. Being God’s man…in the face of temptation
Some men have learned the secret of being undivided between what they believe and how they actually think and live. They possess integrity. They’ve gained new perspectives on the trials and temptations they face, new tools to help them overcome automatic human responses to challenging situations, and new actions that produce humility and flexibility in God’s strength. You, too, can be a man of such integrity. This study of the book of James will equip you to think clearly and choose wisely when dealing with temptation. Being God’s Man…in the Face of Temptation will help you confront this pervasive problem of God’s wisdom and strength. And being to live the undivided life.

v. Being God’s man…in the search for success
“I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I’ve overcome great obstacles. I’ve earned it.” No one had a greater right to such statements than King David. He rose from the fields of Palestine to the palace of power and privilege. He’d made it. But now that he was on top, would he continue to grow spiritually in the midst of his success?
Self-sufficiency is a temptation every man faces. But we can’t be both self-sufficient and
on the move spiritually at the same time. Just as in David’s life, God often allows us to experience the consequences of self-sufficiency so that we can rediscover our need for His leadership and power in our lives. In the end, the crushing blows we face serve to humble us…and forge the basis for the next wave of spiritual momentum in our lives.
Being God’s Man…in the Search for Success will help you come to grips with the attitudes and actions you must own as you move forward to achieve God’s goals for you.

vi. Being God’s man…in tough times
David’s journey from shepherd to king was filled with dangers, delays, and difficulties. And just like him, we live in a world filled with circumstances beyond our control. But hardships and losses are God’s tools for shaping into His men. Every man has a dream of who he wants to become. But getting there is a different story. Many men fail to realize their dreams because they choose comfort over character, image over substance, and escape over endurance. But a man who knows how to embrace hardship and learn to mine it for God’s purpose will see his godly dreams come true.
Being God’s Man…in Tough Times will equip you to respond to life’s difficulties in the power and wisdom of God.

b) Real Life Stuff for Men Series:

i. Real Life Stuff for Men on Faith - “Chasing God with Three Flat Tires”

A spiritual pit stop. Imagine: You recently purchased a new ride – a Ferrari V12, 540 horsepower, goes 0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds. You’re ready to take it for a spin, show it to all your friends, do some donuts in the arking lot. But before you get out of the driveway, you’re grounded by three flat tires.
Our spiritual lives can feel like this. We start our revved up, ready to rock and roll, only to find out that chasing after God involves overcoming plenty of setbacks. Together with other men in your small group, take steps to avoid crashing and burning out. Consider this eight-week Bible study a quick pit stop for tuning up your pursuit of God.

ii. Real Life Stuff for Men on Stress - “Juggling Chainsaws on a Tightrope”

Cue the circus music. “Hey Jim, I’m going to need that TPS report by noon” (one chainsaw)
“Jim, don’t forget we are going to my mother’s for dinner tonight.” (two chainsaws)
“Daddy, do you have time to help me with my homework?” (yet another chainsaw)

Men have to juggle dozens of chainsaws, err, responsibilities – all while walking a treacherous tightrope demanding our spiritual and physical balance. With all its demands and pressures, life can feel like a bizarre circus act. But you can be the spiritual ringleader you want to be. Take eight weeks to study a biblical approach to thriving under pressure. Learn to master the art of juggling chainsaws on a tightrope – or at least try to improve your skills a little bit at a time.

iii. Real Life Stuff for Men on Temptation - “Leaning into a Hail of Bullets”

Are you leaning into a hail of bullets? Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by one of these thoughts?
If I change just one number on my tax return…The hotel bill doesn’t list movies by name…If she keeps looking at me like that…
Men face a maelstrom of temptation every hour of every day. This study is a venue for small-group participants and individuals to take on the temptations that threaten their jobs, marriages, and families. Think of it as a bulletproof vest for day-to-day life.

iv. Real Life Stuff for Men on Disappointment - “Treading Water in an Empty Pool”

Life is Good – except you can’t stand your job, your daughter, won’t listen to you, your wife isn’t the person you thought you married, and your dog isn’t house-trained, even after five years.

Regain hope and purpose in what seems to be your out-of-control life. Tackle disappointment and unease by exploring useful spiritual principles from savvy articles, pop culture, literature, and especially God’s Word in the easy-to-understand language of The Message.

5. Discovering God's Will ** (S, S/G)

God has a personal vision for our lives, and He wants us to know it even more than we do. But determining God's will can be a difficult process, especially when we need to make a decision in a hurry. The Discovering God's Will DVD and its companion study guide, designed for small groups or personal study, take you through the important steps of decision making, pursuing God's will, seeking counsel from others, learning to use discernment, and understanding the mind of God through Scripture as you seek His will. The DVD includes 4 complete sermons and eight 12- to 15-minute group sessions that correspond with the study guide. The study guide, which includes a leader's guide, will help outline the amazing plan God has in mind for your life.

6. Group's Out-of-the-Box Bible Studies

i. Surprising Power of Jesus

Make friends, have fun and study the Bible in a fresh way…no workbooks, no study guides, and no homework! Draw out the spirit of adventure in your adult small group. You’ll engage in lively discussion and interact with fun gizmos that you get you knowing Jesus – and each other – better.

Lead participants as your group explores Jesus’ power over:
· Nature
· Demons
· Death
· Sickness
· Sin
· His Life

ii. Surprising Things Jesus “Said”

Make friends, have fun and study the Bible in a fresh way…no workbooks, no study guides, and no homework! Draw out the spirit of adventure in your adult small group. You’ll engage in lively discussion and interact with fun gizmos that you get you knowing Jesus – and each other – better.

Lead participants as your group explores surprising things Jesus said about…
· Your Life
· Possessions
· Enemies
· Himself
· The Cost of Following Him
· Getting Ahead

iii. Surprising Questions Jesus Asked

Make friends, have fun and study the Bible in a fresh way…no workbooks, no study guides, and no homework! Draw out the spirit of adventure in your adult small group. You’ll engage in lively discussion and interact with fun gizmos that you get you knowing Jesus – and each other – better.

Lead participants as your group explores surprising things Jesus asks:
· Why did you doubt?
· What do you want me to do for you?
· Who do you say I am?
· Why do you call me, “Lord, Lord”, and you do not do what I say?
· Where are the other nine?
· You do not want to leave, too, do you?


1. Design for Discipleship **
For over 25 years, the Navigator’s best-selling Design for Discipleship Bible Study series has offered millions of new and experience believers a chance to learn firsthand what it means to be a modern disciple of Christ.

Newly updated with interactive, discussion-prompting questions, these field tested studies present an exciting way for believers to grow toward maturity in their daily walk with God.

Book 1: Your Life in Christ
God cares for you
The person of Jesus Christ
The work of Christ
The spirit within You

Book 2: The Spirit-Filled Follower of Jesus

The obedient follower of Jesus
God’s word in your life
Conversing with God
Fellowship with followers of Jesus

Book 3: Walking with Christ
Maturing in Christ
The Lordship of Christ
Faith and the Promises of God
Knowing God’s will
Walking as a servant

Book 4: The Character of a Follower of Jesus
The call to fruitful living
Authentic love in action
Purity of life
Integrity in living
Character Development in Suffering

Book 5: Foundations for Faith
Who is God?
The authority of God’s word
The holy spirit
Spiritual warfare
The return of Christ

Book 6: Growing in Discipleship
What is a disciple?
The responsible steward
Helping others find Christ
World Vision

Book 7: Our Hope in Christ
A chapter analysis study of 1 Thessalonions

2. CHAZOWN - A different way to see life ***(D)
Do you wake up each day motivated by knowing exactly why you were created? Are you guided by intention in every step? Or are you looking for Chazown? Hebrew for “vision,” this is the point where your core values, gifts and experiences all come together. Here, your vision and purpose become clear.

These DVDs will help you pinpoint your Chazown in five key areas. Because where there is no vision, your…
· Relationship with God
· Relationships with People
· Financial Life
· Physical Life
· Work Life
Will perish. Each Chaown DVD is packed with in-your-face honesty and scarcely containable energy that will drive your life forward! View them on their own, or get more from them by also reading the book. These DVDs are not sequential and can be viewed in any order. Each one has a runtime of nine to ten minutes.


1. Christian Life Profile **(S)
What does a follower of Christ – one who reflects his character really look like? How do you measure success? And how do you get there?

Pastor Randy Frazee believes a healthy Christian life can be summed up by what he calls “thirty core competencies,” all of which take their root in Jesus’ two great commandments to love God and love others. This holistic approach to spirituality encompasses ten core beliefs (Trinity, Salvation by Grace, Authority of the Bible, and seven more), ten core practices (such as Worship, Prayer, and Bible Study), and ten core virtues (Love, Joy, Peace, and more).

*Please consult Anders before you use any curriculum for your small group.